It is was a
historical and heritage kind of traditional game, unique and differ. The game
was inherited from the great grand generation of descendants before world of
• History
The games was
believed to be found and practiced in popular area of Malaya(Malaysia),
Philippines and all part of Malaya and
Indonesia and also the surrounding islands, Palau(Pulau), Micronesian, far east
pacific islands; Vanuatu, Tuvala, Fiji, Cococs Island, Guam and so on Southern
Asia plate and Indian continent, Indochina and northern pacific area, by Burma,
Laos and Cambodia aborigines.
The game also
being played by Inuit and Eskimo in Northern part of Canada, east and west
Siberia and Shakalin Island, where the evidence was found in southern and
eastern part of Africa, played by nomadic, Taureg and Badwin, Central America
by Inca and Maya inhabitant, by the Red Indian on top of Andes plattue of
southern America, Chile, Bolivia and Peru tribes.
• How to Play Batu Seremban :
Step 1:
Throw all 5
stones. Whilst throwing a stone, pick up 1 stone and catch the stone in the air
before it falls to the ground. Do this for each of the stones on the ground.
Step 2:
Repeat step 1
but pick up 2 stones at a time.
Step 3:
Repeat step 1
but pick up a combination of 3 stones and 1.
Step 4:
Throw all 5
stones. Pick up 4 stones whilst 1 stone is in the air and catch the later
before it falls to the ground.
Step 5:
Whilst throwing
1 stone, place the 4 on the ground. Throw 1 stone up again and catch it whilst
picking all 4 stones on the ground.
Step 6:
Throw all 5
stones on the ground. The opponent selects a stone to be thrown in the air. The
player has to pick this stone without moving any others. The player throws the
stone in the air and picks the remaining on the ground in one clean sweep.
If the player
fails in step 6, automatically the turn will revert to the opponent. Once the
opponent fails to complete the turn, her or his will return to the incomplete
step, starting from the first step.
• The Objectives of Playing Batu Seremban:
The aim of
playing this game is to throw one of the stones one at a time and sweeping
another on the floor all together catching the one you threw earlier on. This
game continues to advance stages where the game gets complicated.
• Equipment Needed
This game was
played using 5 or 7 pieces of objects usually made of small stone, beads,
fruits seeds, beans, nut or nutshell, or even bones and (originally) hard wood
but not these days. Today, they already improvised using marble or small bags
of sand/stone or beans. It depends on the players to choose what kind of
objects they wanted to use.

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