FIGURE 4 : A Group Of Sepak Takraw Players
Also known as sepak raga, is a traditional ball game where the ball that was made by weaving strips of buluh or bamboo, is passed on using any part of the body except lower arms and hands. There are 2 main types of sepak takraw; bulatan(circle) and jaring(net). Sepak raga bulatan originated form in which players form a circle and try to keep the ball in the air for as long as possible while sepak takraw jaring is the modern version in which the ball is passed across a court over a high net. Sepak takraw is widely known. But different country called sepak takraw with different name.
Malaysia = Sepak Raga
Philippines = Sipa
Singapore = Sepak Raga or Sepraga
Thailand = Takraw
Brunei = Sepak Raga Jala
Burma = Ching Loong
Indonesia = Rago (South Sulawesi)
Laos = Kator
• History
Takraw was originated in South-East Asia. It was thought that Thai and Malay people played the game as far back the 15thcentury. It was recorded that the game existed in Wat Phra Kaew (temple serves as a resting place for the Emerald Buddha). This temple in Bangkok (Thailand), contains paintings portraying he Hindu god, Hanuman, playing takraw in a ring with a troop of monkeys. Other historical recorded that the game being played during the reign of King Naresuan (1590-1605).
However, they are many lies and debate existed in this history where many other countries also claiming it as their own. Some also believes that it was practiced from the same game played by the Chinese military that was thought to have spread through trade with China.
1. Sepak Takraw is basically foot badminton/volleyball.
2. Played on a similar court to doubles badminton, with the server serving in the middle of the back half of the court.
3. Having served (volley kicked) a throw from the net by a team mate, the ball must then travel over the net to begin play.
4. The opposing team will then try to volley the ball back over the net into the oppositions court.
5. Each team may have as many as three touches between themselves, but in order to win a point the ball must land in the oppositions court, if it lands outside, it will be opposing teams point.
6. Points are played up to 21.. Unless a 20-21 score line is archived, then you must win by two clear points.
These are the basic rules to get you on track to play Takraw in the official way (see below for more comprehensive rules), we also encourage all kinds of practice as it will make you a more versatile player, try out tricks, make up new games, and play Original Takraw (The variation where a circle of people keep the Takraw in the air)
• The Court
1. Area of 13.4m x 6.1m free from all obstacles up to the height of 8m measured from the floor surface (sand and grass court not advisable).
2. The width of the lines bounding the court should not be more than 0.04m measured and drawn inwards from the edge of the court measurements. All the boundary lines should be drawn at least 3.0m away from all obstacles.
3. The Centre Line : The Centre line of 0.02m should be drawn equally dividing the right and left court.
4. The Quarter Circle : At the corner of each at the Centre Line, the quarter circle shall be drawn from the side-line to the Centre Line with a radius of 0.9m measured and drawn outwards from the edge of the 0.9m radius.
5. The Service Circle : The Service Circle of 0.3m radius shall be drawn on the left and on the right court, the centre of which is 2.45m from the back line of the court and 3.05m from the side-lines, the 0.04m line shall be measured and drawn outward from the edge of the 0.3m radius.
The player who kicks a serve surely puts a leg (shaft foot) in the service circle, and takes a toss from the player who went into the quoter circle (the semicircle of a radius 90 cm done around the contact point of the centre line and the side-line), and kicks the ball.
When a game begins by one serve, a ball can be touched by the attack of one time to three times. You can use a head, a back, legs, and anywhere except for the arm from the shoulder to the point of the finger.
There are 2 kinds of balls of the thing that the thing edited in the stem of 9-11 rotten, and the shape was imitated with the plastic and which was made. A ball made of the plastic is being used as an official ball from the 11th Beijing Asian convention.
The weight of the ball is 170g-190g, and the size of it is a perimeter 40cm, and there is a hole of 12 in it. It is much smaller than a handball, a little bigger than a softball.

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